The notion of exile has persisted throughout historical epochs and remains a pertinent concern in contemporary society. In the era of digitalization, characterized by rapid communication and data streaming, individuals now inhabit multiple realities simultaneously, giving rise to novel dimensions of the exile experience. The "Legacy of Exile" project explores this psychological state and its impacts on individuals' materiality and psyche.
This endeavor draws upon Edward Said's seminal essay, "Reflections on Exile," which posits exile as a state of "productive despair." Said elucidates that exile engenders an insurmountable chasm between an individual and their native land, resulting in a profound and perpetual melancholy that defies complete resolution. While literary and historical accounts may contain narratives of heroism and triumph in the lives of exiled individuals, these episodes ultimately constitute endeavors to surmount the incapacitating anguish of estrangement.
In the contemporary digital age, our daily experiences are shaped by numerous far-flung geographies, giving rise to a redefined sense of time. Utilizing new technological modalities, we productively engage with these disparate realities, enabling our presence within them. The Legacy of Exile project endeavors to comprehend how this multifarious experience impacts individuals and how it diverges from the conventional understanding of exile.
To simulate and study this complex experience, the project introduces three distinct games characterized by different architectures. Players interact with these games employing a unified input system (controller) and endeavor to navigate three sets of rules concurrently. As players partake in these games, they leave behind discernible traces that reflect their decisions and priorities. These distinctive traces provide valuable insights into which game the player prioritizes and how they interact with it.
Medium: Game Design, 3D
Tools: Python, Unity,  Blender 
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